That little gem was for Tom, since we were discussing our great differences in communicating. Him: big hills with trees. Me: mountaintops covered in clouds and evergreens. But anyway, this is the information that you get on the blog today as we continue on the very literal road trip portion of our adventure. We are traveling down the Oregon coast before jutting inland to Crater Lake. We had wanted to see Mt. St. Helen but were foiled by the low hanging clouds, which also extended to the ground in the form of rain showers now and again.
The drive has been OK, but in all honesty I thought we’d be able to see more of the coast as we went along. I guess you could compare it to driving north on US-23 (the highway, not the expressway): you see some glimpses of the water and long expanses from time to time, but most of the journey is obscured by houses, distance, trees, or a combination of all of the above.
So in essence, you get a reprieve from my increasing wordiness as I sit back and enjoy the sea air and verdant foliage that surrounds me. Ewww…actually, scratch that, I’m surrounded by sea air tinged with the very pungent aroma of dead fish…
Actually, rewind time just a bit. This morning it was raining at camp (figures, the day we need to pack up the tent…oh well, it can air out tonight) so we broke camp and started on our journey. We stopped at the sound end of Olympic and had breakfast overlooking Ruby Beach. We had bought sausages, eggs, and OJ yesterday so we did it up in style. Heck, something other than granola or PB&J is impressive to us at this point! So yeah, that was our morning and you already know about the afternoon. Next up, the evening!! That’s if I ever find a WiFi around here…