Corny title, I know, but you will not believe how close a black bear came to our tent this morning. Tom got out of bed a minute or two before me and was talking to the campers across the way. When I poked my head out he was motioning me to get out of the tent and the only word I was picking up from the other campers’ conversation was “bear”. I ducked back in for the bear spray and skedaddled out of the tent. Sure enough, as I turned around there was a black bear about 15-20 yards from our tent. Holy crap! That was a wake-up call! Then, as we’re busy photographing and filming him, he starts to head for our tent (still open) and the van (also had the back door open…where all our food is). So I was running around trying to get things closed (forgot to stop the video so I apologize in advance for the bad Blair Witch feel to it all) and jump in the car. The bear did turn away before us though and kept digging his way over to the campsite next to us. He was VERY close to her tent, probably just a few feet. After that he meandered through the rest of the campsites on his way over the hill. Whew! And I thought that I wouldn’t have anything interesting to blog about today since we were just going to the hotel! As you’re looking at the pictures, I know you’re going to be thinking that the bear is small, but just remember this one fact: it’s a BEAR!!!